Spartan Up! - Chasing The Secrets Of Success

Published: March 6, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b"Todays guest has kindly given up their time to come on and inspire the world with their story and passions for tackling the big things in life. And his life has seemed a constant state of having the best and worst that life can throw at you, but wanting to have even more come his way on top of that too. He grew up in Queens New York, which had been made famous in so many Hollywood\\u2019s films that focus in on the criminal activities of the infamous Mafia Don, John Gotti. His life was surrounded by scenes from the movie Goodfellas, and so it wasn\\u2019t a surprise that his mother felt that it would be a good time to move him and his sister upstate, away from such influences. Which was not the best of time as our young budding entrepreneur was just starting to earn some money by selling fireworks. Even as a young lad it was clear he was always going to be someone that would get out and flex the hustle muscle, as he was so inspired by his father entrepreneurial ventures, that he quickly grew his money making mind-set to go out and get his own cash. However on the other side he was also being influenced heavily by mothers drive for a world of healthily living, healthy eating and building up the muscles and fitness to undertake extreme endurance and create the ultimate healthy lifestyle. And those two parental influences really seemed to set the foundation to what our guest has since gone onto achieve. Now he has founded the incredible movement known as the Spartan Race, where across the world over a million people have signed up and tackled the hardest of activities such as an eight mile sprint and the hardest of obstacle races. So as with all guests on Join Up Dots does he look back and think that the path was always going to get him here, even when undertaking detours onto Wall Street and the Bed and Breakfast business? And can he understand the appeal that make so many people want to test themselves to such extreme levels, whilst the rest of the world are happy giving the excuses of why they haven\\u2019t got the time for anything? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Joe De Sena."