Sometimes You Have To Take It Up The Bum

Published: Feb. 5, 2021, 11:13 a.m.

b'Sometimes Pain Occurs In Life There is no doubt in life that sometimes things wont go your way no matter how hard you have worked. You might have decided you wanted something, or i guess been promised something and at the last minute it gets taken away from you. Guess what? That\'s life, and within the circle of life there are only two certainty\'s for sure.: Death and Taxes Away from those no one can control how life is going to be and what will happen to us. What an adventure eh? Just imagine climbing out of bed and knowing like Indiana Jones setting out on a mission, you are up against it from the very start. Punches will be thrown in your direction without notice, and its your job to take a few on the chin and then fight back to keep on going. Traps will be set, that like exploding death traps will force you to leap out of their way with a smile as you once again keep moving forward. You are the hero of your own life, and everyday gives you the opportunity to write your own story of excitement and daring do. Why Do We Think We Can Control Things? This is a very good question and one that humans have struggled with since the beginning of time. How can we make our environments as controlled as possible, so we dont feel any discomfort? Yes we can add central heating to a stony and cold house to make the winter nights more bearable. Yes, we can buy air conditioning units to chill the hottest of summer days. But these are all ways that we control environment and not life. Time cant be controlled and will forever be lost and never gained again. Family and loved ones will come and go, leaving us with broken hearts and fond memories of happy times. But in the great scheme of things we cant do anything other than go for the ride Sometimes You Have To Take It Up The Bum In todays podcast episode your hose David Ralph, shares a painful experience that he had and looks for the positives to change it in his heart and head. He wants to take the phrase of Sometimes You Have To Take It Up The Bum, and convert it into "ok, you might have to, but it doesnt have to be too painful. If you have had similar experiences and struggled with things that are occurring in your life then drop us a line at We are here to help.'