Some Good News

Published: April 10, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Some Good News Welcome to the latest episode of Join Up Dots, which today brings some good news from across the world. Yes, it hast been a surprise but due to the constant bombardment with a never ending supply of rubbish stuff hitting our eyes, the world is on the look out for a difference. That is coming in the form of a wave of positivity, helpfulness and kindness from every corner of the globe. People want some good news in these dark times, and at Join Up Dots we are exactly the same. So in this episode we set about bringing you messages and encouragement from a series of listeners of the show. All of them are in the process of either growing their business or starting their online business, and are hustling their way forward. So Where Is Some Good News Coming From Well as evidenced the other day, Hollywood actor John Krazinski has started a YouTube channel focusing in on just that "Some Good News". I dont have to tell you what its called, but it certainly leaves nothing to the imagination as to what its all about.# Every week he shares short news-stories and praises the actions of others, all in a lighthearted and less than polished manner. Which is exactly the appeal of the show, and why so many other people have thought "Great idea, lets shares some good news of our own" Which of course is.....great news!!! You can head down the page for a link directly to the Some Good News channel We also share news from our own listeners across the globe, such as John from Side Hustle Junkies who is spending his time in lock-down providing value for others. Isn\'t that the best way to build a business? John is creating landing pages that can be downloaded for free directly from his website. That is certainly some good news for so many people who struggle with getting their websites looking tip top so well done John. Even More Good News From Across The World Several years ago an amazing guy from the USA called Steve Reza, hired me to be his podcasting coach, and now he has two on the go. Yes, he has the Knife Making Mastery podcast, and now the Prevail Beyond podcast and was looking for a guest to kick it off. Some good news for you all, he didn\'t look very hard and invited me to join him and his co-host Dave on the show. Well he was amazing, and is delivering content of such high quality that i\'m sure that the show will become a hit across the globe. The same can be said for another guy from Jersey in the United Kingdom called Ross who is doing the same. He has started his own audio production company complimented by a brand new podcast too. So well done to him and here\'s to a huge success for him as he deserves it Things Mentioned On The Show Some Good News YouTube Channel Go For The Green Website SideHustleJunkie Prevail Beyond Podcast Return To The Top Of Some Good News If you enjoyed this episode Some Good News, why not listen to some of our favourite podcast episodes such as Dr Joe Vitale,\\xa0\\xa0Dan Lok\\xa0or the amazing\\xa0Geoff Thompson Or if you prefer just pop over to our\\xa0podcast archive\\xa0for thousands of amazing episodes to choose from.'