Small Business

Published: June 7, 2017, midnight

b"Small business mastery takes a while to achieve, and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man with a personal motto that if you don't understand it as a business owner...then you should. Measure, Motivate, and Manage. He has extensive working knowledge regarding all aspects of operating a successful in-home service business, including (but not limited to) sales and marketing, recruitment, systematising, and human resources. He has helped numerous business owners revitalize their companies and become true business owners, not just operators. And this is the key element to it all....why is it that so many people create a business that actually runs them instead of the other way around? You don't set off on a path that you hope will lead to longer hours, more stress and headache after headache. It's all about walking on beaches, relaxing with friends and living the dream. And today's guest is most certainly living the dream now, but that wasn't always the case. He has been where you are. Working long hours, with his life supporting his business. Unable to step away from the day to day operation for fear of it disappearing in front of him. So how has he managed to switch off the life support system and see the business breath and flourish without him? And are their common issues that people almost have to go through to achieve the success that they want? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Justin Deese. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Justin Deese such as: Why so many people feel that in the early days of their business they can outwork their issues, but this is never the case and ultimately can bring even greater issues. How Justin felt when the business was growing too big for him. Did he have the skills to manage it? Could he handle the extra workload? All 100% imposter syndrome. How he has managed to create a business that is transportable, and is demonstrating that as he drives around America with his family in an RV. Why he wont do anything in his life that he doesn't love. no matter how lucrative it can be for him and his family. and lastly\\u2026. Why it is so important to have a vision of what you want in your life, not necessarily just in your business, as soon as you start working on building the dream."