Sleep Expert - How To Get The Best Sleep Ever

Published: March 25, 2022, midnight

Tanessa Shears is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. She is a lady who has a similar story of so many people across the world, who are struggling through the day, topping their energies up with caffeine and stimulants. She says “It was 2:33am in the morning and I was sitting in the nursery with my new-born, feeling my brain turn to mush. I was a brand new mom by day/night and weight loss coach for entrepreneurs by day as well. I showed up in my business because I LOVED coaching and it gave me slices of my day in which I felt “normal”, but I couldn’t deny the brain fog and lack of clarity from the disrupted sleep schedule. I’d forget simple words & spend minutes staring at my computer screen, completely forgetting what I was doing. My energy would tank in the afternoon and my creativity was down the drain.