
Published: Nov. 1, 2017, midnight

b"Simplicity can be so hard to create in business, unless you know todays guest. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who is passionate about business, helping people, but also having a life away from business. And that my friends is so important, as business is important but not at the sacrifice of our own lives and happiness. She is an entrepreneur, business strategist, and a marketing mentor to coaches, authors, and speakers and also the founder of the\\xa0Simplicity Circle, whose mission is to help entrepreneurs succeed and grow, while keeping their business simple. Milana came from Soviet Ukraine 25 years ago as a classical musician with zero knowledge of the business world, and has built her million-dollar coaching business from home part time, while raising her two children. And if you think that this was all some amazing masterplan then think again, as she began her career\\xa0 teaching music theory and history to 3-5 graders in a specialty music school in Kiev, Ukraine. Followed by a quick stint in an Insurance company, and then working as a web designer before starting her own business.\\xa0\\xa0 She did the work that she thought she would love before finding the one that appears to light her up inside bigtime. She is the creator of\\xa0Recurring Revenue Revolution, author of \\u201cCoaching Millions,\\u201d co-founder of\\xa0JV Insider Circle,\\xa0and inventor of telesummit. She constantly strives to stay on the cutting edge in the coach, author, speaker space, and\\xa0when\\xa0she\\u2019s not working on her business, she writes music and enjoys\\xa0Latin ballroom dancing. So how has she managed to blend a super successful business, whilst still being their for the kids and herself? And has she always managed to get the balance right, or like most of us ploughed into burnout before seeing the light? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Milana Leshinsky Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Milana Leshinsky\\xa0such as: Why simplicity in business is such a key part to the success of all businesses. Relax into the process and see where it takes you. How Milana never once went to coaching school, although that never stopped her being a mentor to other coaches. Don't be held back by qualifications...can you solve the problems of your clients? and lastly\\u2026. Why its so important to find the systems in you business which will allow you to walk away from it. Nobody wants to create a monster in their lives."