Shark Tank

Published: June 8, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man who literally swims amongst the sharks on a daily basis. The host and founder of the brilliant Shark Tank Podcast, he has found a way of combining his love for producing top notch online content, with his interest in entrepreneurs and of course the programme Shark Tank. If you are in the UK, then think "Dragons Den" and you will have the idea of what his show is all about. So how has he managed to create an audience that want to listen to stories, that in their own way have been told before? How has he managed to hook a stream of contestants on the show that are ready for his grilling (There were a couple of top notch\\xa0fish jokes in there\\xa0just in case you missed them!) Well he has done it with passion, charisma, perseverance and a belief in his product. He says that he is just a regular guy who married an amazing woman, and has two boys that are his life. So when he is not being romantic to this wonderful woman, playing and inspiring his boys, or wandering around Phoenix in Arizona, then you can find him playing soccer whilst dreaming of playing for Arsenal FC from the United Kingdom. It seems he has a lot on his plate, so I am grateful that he has found the time to come on the show and join up some dots with me today. Let me introduce to you the Host of Shark Tank Podcast Mr TJ Hale.'