Shaa Wasmund MBE

Published: March 24, 2021, 4 p.m.

b'Shaa Wasmund is todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast. She is a lady who has built her life around taking action and making things happen. As she says "I\\u2019m an entrepreneur, public speaker and the author of #1 bestselling books \\u2018Stop Talking, Start Doing\\u2019 and \\u2018Do Less, Get More\\u2019. In 2015 I was awarded an\\xa0MBE for \\u2018Services to Business and Entrepreneurship\\u2019\\xa0and was recently named one of the\\xa0UK\\u2019s Top 20 Influential Entrepreneurs\\xa0by The Sunday Times. Born in California to an English mother and Italian father, Ms Wasmund and her mother settled permanently in the UK when she was 10. After winning a scholarship to the prestigious City of London School for Girls, she studied international relations at the London School of Economics. How The Dots Joined Up For Shaa It was while at the LSE that Ms Wasmund, then 21, won a competition to interview Chris Eubank, then a middleweight world champion boxer. Eubank was so impressed with her confidence or "front" that he offered her the job of becoming his assistant. Ms Wasmund said yes, and so she started her business career in the competitive world of boxing. She \\xa0became the only female boxing promoter in the UK, representing World Champion Chris Eubank and working with the infamous Don King before starting my own PR company helping grow the Dyson brand from around Sir James Dyson\\u2019s kitchen table. From that point more and more hustle and success came her way, which isn\'t a surprise as he also says "I believe that we all have the ability to live the lives we dream of. We just don\\u2019t always know how. The greatest courage is to follow your own path even through the roughest terrain, rather than the path of least resistance. Nothing great is ever created in your comfort zone. I believe it\\u2019s OK to not know the answers, to feel stuck and frustrated; it happens to all of us. What\\u2019s not OK is to stay stuck." So when the big punches in the mouth occurred in her business, how did she dust herself down and get back up? And why is her number one piece of business advice "Hire A Cleaner" Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the only and only Shaa Wasmund MBE. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Shaa Wasmund MBE such as We talk about the difficulties that youngsters now deal with from coming from entitlement.\\xa0 Shaa shares the lucky breaks that she has had in her life, especially in regards to working with the Genius James Dyson. Why a business becomes more and more successful the more you focus on the value you offer others. Its all about giving. and lastly........ Shaa tells us all why we have to visualise what we want in life and why it so important to get those images in my mind to make them happen.'