Sex Dominatrix To Seven Figure Success

Published: Aug. 9, 2021, 7:30 p.m.

b'Introducing Kat McLead Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast, is Kat McLead who first connected with the show by email several months ago. The email said "Hi, I\\u2019m\\xa0Kat. I built a business that allowed me to pay the $450,000 down payment for our house. (It involves me escaping severe abuse, starting a men\\u2019s fetish business at age 22, generating multiple 6 figures in this business, HATING it, shutting it down, getting my M.A. in Psychology, coaching sex workers out of the adult industry into entrepreneurs, becoming a millionaire Stay at Home Mom, feeling unfulfilled, and now helping fellow mom\'s start businesses for fulfilment and meaningful work while staying Mom first.) Well if that doesn\'t grab my attention from all the guest pitches that I get at Join Up Dots then I don\'t know what will. So now she is a busy mom and business owner who exclusively helps other mom\'s start businesses for fulfilment and income - while staying mom first. Which is a key part of what I preach at Join Up Dots. How The Dots Joined Up For Kat We all think that money is the goal, but things feel very flat when that money doesn\'t spark excitement in you day after day. As he says "The truth is, when I started my first Real Life Business years ago, I didn\\u2019t know what the 4 Key Steps to Launching an Ideal High Profit business. I didn\\u2019t even know how to complete Step 1. But, I started, I learned, and I persevered through lots of mistakes. Eventually I fine tuned my approach across\\xa03 successful Real Life Business and over 7 figures in revenue. \\xa0 Her experience leads into her "Nail Your Right Idea Framework" that anyone can use to find the RIGHT Business for them that is pleasurable and brings in high profit for the time spent (Marrying the skills/gifts/talents they currently possess and finding the most profitable subset of this for their winning idea) to.... How she uses her Hyperfocus Model to maintain and grow my business as a busy mom while working 30 minutes/day, and how I help all my clients do the same So is it the idea first and foremost that make a business fly, or actually understanding yourself and your passions? And where does she see most people go wrong as they build their own online success story? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the only Kat McLead Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Kat McLead such as: We discuss how Kat developed her ex-porn star business through hustle and cold calling, even though some people weren\'t overly happy. Why it is so important to do your market research before you ever start building a product. Find out what needs to be solved and go ahead and find the solution. Kat shares how she has developed her super talent of spotting opportunities for others, which she believes comes from her hard childhood.. and lastly........ Why you don\'t get success by sitting in your comfort zone you have to go out there and make things happen for yourself.'