Seven Deadly Sins

Published: Aug. 13, 2018, midnight

b'Up For A Conversation On Lust, Pride, Drug Use & Weird Weekends? Today\'s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots podcast interview,\\xa0is a chap from the UK who last appeared on the show back on episode 128 He is a man who has built his life around the use of stories, and weaving them into amazing effective ways that can help us all unlock the doors and remove the obstacles that we find in front of us time and time again. Doors to a life that is as much play as work, and as much work as play. Being in the music and film industry for over 18 years ,he has developed an approach that works well for creative types across the globe who flock to his warehouse in Seven Kings London. Its an unusual approach which for many might seem a bit strange\\ fact after reading his personal website, he seems to thrive by being, well, slightly out of the mainstream shall we say! As it says "\\u2026to what is possibly the only website in the world actually designed to\\xa0put people off. \\xa0A dubious claim to fame, but my point being if you read through it and go \\u2013 hmmm\\u2026 this is a bit unusual,\\xa0weird\\xa0even \\u2013 then I\\u2019m probably not the person for you. \\xa0If you read through it and go \\u2013 cool\\u2026 this is a bit unusual,\\xa0weird\\xa0even \\u2013 then we should talk." He goes onto say\\xa0\\u201cPeople ask me what I do and I always hesitate \\u2013 I was a psychotherapist for 13 years, then I tried calling myself a coach, I\\u2019ve been to India and trained in Tantra but that doesn\\u2019t quite qualify me to call myself a Guru and I\\u2019ve been buried alive and fasted in the wilderness for days on end but that doesn\\u2019t quite make me a Shaman\\u2026 and Psycho-therapeutic Shamanic Coaching Guru is a real mouthful\\u201d So lets find out what he calls himself today, and how has he changed since the last time he was on join up dots? As we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Jerry Hyde Show Highlights Jerry shares his belief that for every book he writes, it is always the book that he needs to We talk about the consequence of shame in business and life today, and why this has become such an issue. Jerry talks about some seriously out there weekends that he experienced, and why he felt they were at the edge of his level of exploration. The Seven Deadly Sins we discover are not in the Bible at all, so why do we obey them, and where did they appear from? And lastly........ Jerry shares what he has been up to for the last few years since last appearing on Join Up Dots which was a real eye opener.'