Setting Goals

Published: June 1, 2018, midnight

b'Todays Join Up Dots free podcast interview is inspired by a guy who personally connected with via email with a huge statement of intent in the last couple of days. He advised me of a goal that he is setting in his life and that goal is to have a beer with me in a bar. As he said on his email "I have a long back story, but I won\\u2019t bore you with it, however due to your podcast, your unbelievable personality and wonderful smile (I know I can\\u2019t see your smile! Lol) \\xa0I am putting a goal out there for myself and that is to have a pint with you at a bar\\xa0within 2 years. I know many people would have a goal of being on your show or something like that, but I know being a successful entrepreneur takes time and while I have fluttered in business/side businesses, well they were hobbies really, for a while this is the first time I\\u2019m making an investment in myself (I joined Flipped Lifestyle because of your podcast and when I\\u2019m ready to start a podcast I will certainly join your program)." And believe me it may seem like such a simple thing to want to do. It may seem to many of you as something that isn\'t really a goal. But it is 100% a goal, as a goal is a target with intention behind it. A goal is something to work towards due to an internal desire to make it happen That is where goal setting becomes difficult to achieve, when you haven\'t got the desire to truly make it happen.\\xa0 You set a goal because you think it is something that you should be doing and not because you want to with everything ounce of passion you possess. So in this episode of Join Up Dots we look at finding the passion that that can make every goal a breeze to set and even more beeezy to achieve'