SEO Tips For Beginners

Published: June 8, 2020, midnight

b'Kris Reid, is an expert on SEO tips, lessons and marketing for everyone from beginners\\xa0 to multinational businesses. He joins as our guest today on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business coaching podcast interview.\\xa0 He is a man who calls himself the coolest guy in SEO. Which isn\'t a surprise that he is cool as this is also the second time that he has appeared on Join Up how cool must he be? As his team says "It isn\\u2019t a gimmick, but our own Kris Reid has become the coolest guy in SEO\\xa0which is by no means a joke. SEO\\u2019s coolest guy is on a mission to get ranked to the first page of\\xa0Google, to be on front page news, to get trending and to get his name boosted to the world. Being the coolest guy and being on the first page of\\xa0Google\\xa0is what every website wants\\xa0but with obscure terms it\\u2019s easier now than ever to rank for them. The way this is done is through a series of steps that allow you naturally to be at the top of\\xa0Google\\u2018s searches which can vary from ensuring your meta data is perfect to\\xa0getting\\xa0someone to do it all for you. How The SEO Tips Formed The Big Business For Kris As he says " because of my love for software development, back in the day I built an online game. \\xa0As the completion day came near for the game I made, I thought that I should learn how to market if anyone else is ever going to play with it. So, I started studying how Google works and learned about Search Engine Optimisation. I quickly discovered how important back-links are \\u2013 not just any back-links, but only quality back-links with relevant and compelling content on powerful industry-specific websites." And the rest is history. Not easy history, in any shape or form, but one that has seen steady growth, a move from his home country of Australia to set up in\\xa0Davao city in Philippines in January 2013, and now clients flocking to his company from across the globe. Life seems good and should be good, as he has taken control of his own destiny, and worked his socks off to make things happen. So does this kind of success simply come from putting one foot in-front of the other until you start too see things happening? Or is there a blueprint for all of us to follow, as we look to leave the corporate grind, and crank out Google loving content time and time again. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only, Mr. Cool SEO Guy Mr Kris Reid.'