SEO, Digital Marketing & Exposure Ninja

Published: Dec. 12, 2016, midnight

b'Digital Marketing King Tim Cameron-Kitchen From Exposure-Ninja shares his amazing story to creating digital marketing success My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who quite simple should be loving his life. He is a creative at heart and has found his way to online success with several businesses. Leaving the University Of Southampton in 2007 with a bachelor of arts in Music you can see quite clearly how the dots have joined up. As he says \\u201cI decided to make a go of professional drumming. I spent a couple of years developing something called Online Session Drumming, where I\\u2019d record for bands and musicians around the world from my home studio. To do this, I had to learn to market myself effectively by building websites, getting to the top of Google, and learning how to advertise. I wrote a book introducing this way of recording which got extensive coverage in the drumming press, filmed 19 DVDs, ran 2 newsletters and membership clubs, and the method went on to become a way of life for hundreds of musicians around the world. It turned out that I quite enjoyed the advertising and websites bit of the job, even when I got bored of the drumming. My next door neighbour at the time was a plasterer in need of extra work so I built him a website. The effect this website had on him spurred me to start JobDoneWebsites, which went on to become the UK\\u2019s leading tradesman-only marketing company.\\u201d You see our guest was willing to put himself into environments where he was required to do serious upskilling on every turn. He didn\\u2019t have the answers but was willing to that extra mile to make those answers himself. And upon developing those skills, he was actually building the foundations to what he has achieved today. Presently he is the head ninja at Exposure Ninja an online marketing company that has grown to 35 Ninjas in less than 3 years. An expansion which has been exhilarating/tiring/fun/inspiring/hard work. The results he gets for his clients are he says are \\u201cSick, and we\\u2019re hungry and passionate to help more dominate in competitive markets online.\\u201d So is this the business that will be his legacy work, or just the start of other ventures? And what was it about the entrepreneurial life that so appealed against going the normal route and entering the corporate world? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Tim Cameron-Kitchen'