Published: May 26, 2017, midnight

b'SEO is on the table today. And how to make SEO front and centre of every business. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who seems to me has found his thing in life. The thing that makes him bounce out of bed with excitement and enthusiasm. He is the CEO of Kansas City Website Design, who work with clients across the world building websites that not only look great, but also operate brilliantly too. Alongside his team, they work hard to make sure that the SEO element which is so important to gain Google rankings is built into the design to ensure visibility. As he says \\u201cInternet marketing is a lot like NASCAR racing. You need a fast car and a talented driver to compete and win \\u2013 you can\\u2019t have one without the other. I build high performance websites and drive them to the top of the major search engines for my clients with organic search engine optimization and pay per click advertising management services. My approach to web development is laser focused on return on investment. I have a Contrarian view of website design which many of our competitors find distasteful, perhaps even blasphemous: Great web design is a commodity.\\u201d As is his passion for the task. And that is one side of what makes this guy perfect for Join Up Dots, as although he is now performing in a way that looks like it was a master plan right from the beginning, im sure we will find that just wasn\\u2019t the case. As his journey has taken him all over the world, He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and has lived and travelled extensively in Asia for over ten years, based in Taipei, Taiwan, with stints in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong and now lives in Overland Park, Kansas with his wife Vivian and twin sons, Ely and Ostyn. And my favourite fact that in a way shows so much about how the guy operates, but he may be the world\\u2019s most successful SEO Internet marketer that has never had an active Facebook account. Love that fact, as it proves that there are many different ways to go about building success, and more often than not the best way is to simply do your own thing and create your own path. So what is about the online world that makes him scream out \\u201cNo No No, that is never going to work\\u2026come and speak to me!\\u201d And what is it about web design that excites him the most, the creative element or the behind the scenes mechanics of it all? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Phil Singleton Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Phil Singleton such as: Phil shares his story how it took a real miserable job for him to truly assess what he wanted to do in life. But now he considers it a true blessing to have that experience. Why the ability to control your own life and hours is so vitally important to Phil, and why he could never go back to working for someone else. Why so many people create scatter gun approach to SEO and marketing. However everything you do must find it\\u2019s way back to the central hub otherwise it dies for ever. and lastly\\u2026. Why Phil has to spend a lot of time focusing his clients time-frames and expectations re SEO. It\\u2019s not a quick fix, takes time to come to fruition, and takes money to achieve.'