Self Publishing A Book

Published: April 2, 2021, midnight

b'Jyotsna Ramachandran is today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. She is a lady who contacted me several years ago and appeared on the show after saying \\u201cI think that I should be on your show, because I am flexing the old hustle muscle everyday and doing it on my own terms too\\u201d Well, she didn\\u2019t quite say that, but it doesn\\u2019t take much more for me to think, this is the kind of guest I want to talk to, so she came on the show. This is a lady that like most of us got to a point in her life, when she looked at her job, and her personal situation and thought \\u201cI never want to be an employee\\xa0again\\u201d Which can be one of the greatest realisations for self development, and the worst. You have the focus to take your life to where you want to be, but more often than not, you don\\u2019t\\xa0have any idea how to do it. And that is the case with todays guest who\\xa0then tried out various businesses to find her thing. She started a staff recruitment agency, became a franchisee of a chocolate brand, did freelance web designing, and none really hit the spot. How The Dots Joined Up For Jyotsna And interestingly from that point she is has transitioned again and is a now a bestselling author, book publisher, TEDx speaker, and is an international Author Success Coach who helps coaches, trainers, speakers, and experts to build a super-profitable author funnel with the help of their book. She has since the first appearance on the show founded Happy Self Publishing to help overwhelmed, yet purpose-driven authors experience a transformative journey of self-discovery through the process of publishing their book and amplifying their message. So far, Jyotsna has helped over 400 authors from 35 different countries through her global publishing\\xa0agency, Happy Self Publishing. So is this now the thing that she has been looking for since first starting her entrepreneurial journey? And secondly why is a book such a powerful statement for building authority of\\xa0 your personal brand? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jyotsna Ramachandran'