Self Esteem

Published: May 15, 2017, midnight

b'Self Esteem can hold anyone back, and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who when you read his professional bio seems like so many others out there today He is an artist, entrepreneur, & CEO of a holistically focused, multi-million dollar software company called Simplero. He is passionate about helping online business owners do exactly what brings them most alive & is currently bringing all of his gifts\\u2014including music, spirituality and personal growth\\u2014into an exciting new video show called The Calvin Show. Similar stuff. But then read the personal from the heart stuff and you can see that this guy is very different in many ways. As he says "Fifteen years ago, I was completely shut down. I had really low self esteem, and a self worth at minus a billion. Every breath I took I felt like I was stealing the air from people who were more worthy than me. I felt like I always had to produce in order to stay above board. It was a never-ending struggle. I was emotionally completely shut down. My head was all that mattered. My feelings were just a nuisance that most of the time I had no connection to. To my mind, my body existed to ferry my brain around. I remember watching the movies once, and there was a very powerful scene about love and loss. I felt something that I recognized as tears pressing to come out. And even though I actually wanted to cry, I just couldn\\u2019t. That lasted until I was in my late thirties. Only then did I really start to open up. There came a time where I cried. A lot. It felt great. I had so many unfelt emotions stored up inside me. Meanwhile I was a struggling entrepreneur. Always wanting to be successful at any cost. If I weren\\u2019t successful I might as well kill myself. I thought about it many times. That balcony looked tempting. I remember getting into coaching and personal growth, and thinking \\u201cI want to do something with this some day\\u201d. But it was always about being successful first (at something else). Without the success I had no worth." So how has he crossed that bridge from trying everything with little success, to finding the things that work the best for him? And does he look back and think, "I could have done this so much quicker if I could only go back in time?" Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Calvin Correli Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Calvin Correli such as: Why men are so unwilling to show their emotions in their lives, and what a stupid premise of holding ourselves back from letting go. How he came about creating the company Simplero, and the steps he took to bring the company to fruition. Why he believes in a principle of surrendering to life and just allowing life to guide him to what he wants to do. and lastly\\u2026. Why Calvin takes the time to allow the space in his life to allow the good things happen. Limiting meetings and outside distractions to give the freedom to build success.'