Self Discovery

Published: May 8, 2020, midnight

b'Michael Cavallaro is today\'s guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business coaching podcast. Michael\'s 40 years of experience have culminated into the creating Human Cosmology\\u2122 a belief, behavioural & communication personal growth process. Human Cosmology\\u2122 is a unique and comprehensive life changing modality. This modality allows for deeper and permanent healing and life changes than traditional modalities. Human Cosmology\\u2122 allows an individual or group to access their own wisdom to move beyond their psychological and belief patterning, physical/emotional/mental limitations. This modality is life changing for anyone who has experienced stress, loss, anxiety, depression, insecurity, PTSD, ADHD abuse of any kind, struggles with communication or relationship issues. This process is superior for creating "real" teamwork environments in the work place, and creating healthy intimate relationships. How The Dots Joined Up For Michael Now of course with Join Up Dots we create content that no only speaks to the entrepreneur, but also the wannabe\'s. Those people who sit in a cubicle and are yearning to start their own business. So how do you start building a business that isn\'t just built on flippant throwaway concepts, but stuff that is rooted in scientific fact. And how has he managed to build a flourishing business when he has a large family, no doubt pulling him in so many different directions too. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Michael Cavallaro Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Michael Cavallaro such as: We share how the world has programmed us to operate in a different way from how we might just be operating if we were allowed to think for ourselves. Why being allowed to go for the easy route might just be the perfect thing for all of us to do in our lives, if we just trust. Michael shares the early days of hustling to create his business from scratch, which wasn\'t easy for sure.\\xa0 And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. Why it is so important to squirrel away some nuts in the winter when you are building your business. Make it easier for yourself in the lean times.'