Secret To Success

Published: Nov. 8, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who asks a great question. \\u201cWould you invest 5 minutes a day to achieve a higher level of success? Worldwide, countless real estate agents, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, business owners and others have said YES! If they can do it, you can too! You only have to invest 5 minutes a day to achieve real results. Invest your first 5 minutes a day in reading and sharpening your skills, and this one step can put you on the fast track to success in your life and business. Many masters and experts have shared their wisdom through stories; learning from these experienced leaders by reading their words is how you, too, can achieve personal and professional transformation. Success is achieved by getting into action immediately and applying the principles learned. Applied knowledge leads to success. But of course success isn\\u2019t as easy as this. Success is built on hard work, failures, stumbles and \\u201cAha moments\\u201d that lead us to where. And that is certainly the case with todays guest who began her real estate career developing residential lots with the Trammel Crow Company in Dallas, Texas. She then worked in commercial real estate with The Staubach Company in the Washington, DC Metro area. Before moving to northern Virginia, and completing a Masters Degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Her BA is from Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri \\u2013 her hometown. Through the HBC Group, she then launched Community Charity Champions to raise funds for local non-profit groups and was awarded by the Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce for the Social Corporate Responsibility Award for 2012. So this lady has hustled, and worked her way to where she is now able to see that just five minutes a day can make all the difference. But how did she discover the five minute rule? And where do people go wrong? Not being intentional with their actions, or simply being to hurried to actually make the right decisions? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Karen Briscoe Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Karen Briscoe such as: Why it is so important to start with five minutes a day to focus on health, mindset, fitness whatever you want. But it helps you become intentional with your actions. Karen talks about how the book becoming real was as much as a surprise to her than anything else she has done in her life. The dots joined up and presented her with the opportunity We talk about how people always use a lack of time as the reason for not doing something. However we all have the same time, the question is do you want to do it or not? and lastly\\u2026. Why Karen believes that action will help you find out so much quicker if something is working or not. Dont try to double guess, just do.'