Search For Happiness

Published: Dec. 19, 2022, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who I first saw on YouTube and thought in an instant \\u201cI want this guy on Join Up Dots\\u201d as he is on the search for happiness. Which is great. But as like most the guests who have made up over 60o conversations, that initial thought of \\u201cI like what this guy is doing\\u201d only touches the surface of his work. He is a Writer, filmmaker, actor, TEDx speaker, multiple award-winning self-help author, poet, children\\u2019s author, radio personality, finisher of over 50 triathlons (including 4 Ironman distance races), cross-country bicyclist and someone that believes in waking people up. Yes, he is a man with a similar mission to Join Up Dots Come on people, you are only on this planet once, so lets get going. Lets take a step into the scary zone and see what we can deal with. In addition to writing, speaking and acting in TV and film, he enjoys creating his own projects that carry inspiring, positive and conscious messages. His most recent project was the short film Searching for Happiness, which is now online and can be watched on his website and YouTube. The story focuses on an unhappy man, alone and unloved, who struggles to find meaning in his black and white reality. While over the course of a day, he learns that it is through kindness and our connection to others that we find true happiness. So how does one man wake up himself to start going after something so much bigger than what one could hope to achieve on their own? And has he truly found happiness, or is this a search that will never end? Well lets find out as we bring onto to the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr happiness himself....G Brian Benson'