Scott Barlow & Mark Sieverkropp: Building Their Passions Around Careers, Early Mornings And Unicorns!

Published: June 4, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Our guests today are the powerhouses behind my favourite podcast Happen To Your Career. However in this case, the podcast is just a small part of what is a passion filled centre of resource for all of us who are looking for a change in our career. They quite simply believe that it is our their unique path in life to ensure that we all fill our days with work that delights us. So how have they done this? Well of course, they have a passion for the task, and they also have been in jobs and positions that have filled them with dread. Coming home exhausted, hating their bosses and seeing very little of their families they knew that they had to do something. And we are glad that they have because without guys like this in the world, providing support and encouragement, helping with decisions so many of us would be in similar daily situations. So lets bring onto the show to start joining up the dots of their lives, Mr Scott Barlow and Mr Mark Sieverkropp.'