School Of Greatness

Published: Aug. 24, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on Join Up Dots is a man who is on a mission to change lives. And it seems to me he is doing at the very spot where we need those lives to changed the most...the classroom. Yes, he is a teacher who is focusing on a very simple principle but one that can make so much difference. He believes that "A secure and trusting relationship between teacher and students is at the heart of positive discipline and a safe, productive classroom. The positive effects of building teacher-student relationships impact all aspects of classroom life. Students come to class and like to be there, they are more engaged in learning, they retain more of what they learn, and their creativity is unleashed. There are fewer behavior issues, lower dropout rates, and more harmony between class members." And that period of our lives when we are going through the system to be pushed out into the real world, is the time when we should be inspired and encouraged to think big, be creative, and love our studies. And now with a bestselling book "You\'ve Gotta Connect: Building Relationships That Lead to Engaged Students, Productive Classrooms, and Higher Achievement" and more and more people taking an interest in his work it seems that this is a mission that we can all connect with at heart. So when did he realise that its more about connecting and less about the content that he teaches that truly makes the difference? And did he always have a desire to be a published author, or is he surprised to now see himself sitting proudly in the author section of "Amazon"? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr James Sturtevant.'