Scaling A Business FAST

Published: April 9, 2021, midnight

b'Tristan Bond is todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots business podcast. He is an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant and marketing specialist, who began his career as a physiotherapist. From the outside looking in, he had a really profitable physiotherapy business. As he says "On paper things looked great and i was making more money than ever. I was getting really strong growth in my business....but I was doing it all the wrong way. That\'s when my life came crashing down around me. I had lost myself in the process of building my business. I was miserable, i was burnout. I worked insane hours and i couldn\'t sleep. I was fuelled by caffeine and my business was always on my mind. How The Dots Joined Up For Tristan When he realised he had an issue, he started to see that business owners everywhere were struggling to keep up with their workload, chaos and poor cash flow too. And through that process of redefining his business and building The Practice Acceleration Method, various business owners started asking for his advice on how to be successful. What he found was many companies were missing the following: 1) Lead generation \\u2013 bringing in new customers 2) Conversion and retention \\u2013 convert a lead to a sale 3) Management and leadership And that is the perfect place to start todays episode of Join Up Dots. So its easy enough to realise that you have an issue and totally different to do something about it. So what was the first step that he took to tackle those three headline grabbing business issues? And how did he feel when his overworked dad feel ill whilst he was talking to him, knowing that he was on the same track? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Tristan Bond. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weight subjects with Tristan Bond such as:......... We talk openly about the emotional rollercoaster that starting a business Why thinking that the process of building our own business often has unreasonable expectations right from the very first start. Why the marketing message should be polarising to keep someone thinking about you, even if they dont always agree with you. and lastly....... Tristan shares his belief that working from home needs a fixed structure in place right from the start to prevent the feeling of isolatio'