Sales Expert

Published: March 25, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is man with quite an usual journey to where he is today. But as we see every-time on Join Up Dots, if you look close enough you can see how the dots join up everytime. He has led two companies from $1 million to more than $10 million, and one from $1 million to $0. And now trains entrepreneurs who don\\u2019t realize they\\u2019re the VP of Sales and also individual sales people how to 10 X their revenues in a step-by-step sales formula . But starting his career as a graphic design intern, he was a million miles away from the sales king he is today. He did four four months only, before then joining Uncle Sam in the US Marine Corp where he provided visual information support, by way of photos, videos, and graphics, to enhance the combat readiness and training support needs of the Marines. Who would have And then he went through a series of roles quickly as he developed his skills, gained successes, learnt from his mistakes and made his way to where he is today. As the owner of the Sandler Training DTB, a consulting and training firm dedicated to helping clients significantly improve the performance of their revenue engine. And it looks like he is loving it! So when did he realise that sales was the environment that truly made him come alive? And why does so many people struggle with this part of the business, when in truth we are all in sales every day of our lives? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Jim Brown. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Jim Brown such as: Why so many people in the world refuse to dream big enough in their lives, and how the bigger you can dream the more chance you have to succeed. Jim shares how he grew up poor in Indiana, and why although he has never lost the awareness of the value of money he is so willing to take risks as he grows his own business. Why even after starting seven businesses Jim shares how none of them have lasted more than three years, and why he is so happy that is the case. and lastly\\u2026. Why you simply have to go back and listen to episode 82 of Join Up Dots, to hear the most amazing story you will ever experience'