
Published: May 21, 2018, midnight

b'Sailing Around The World With Your Family WIth Caspar Craven My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who really believes in going where the heart leads. At the age of 14 he launched his first business catching crabs and lobsters, and wow what a success. By the age of 16 he was exporting 1/2 tonne of crabs a week to Spain. Realising that catching crabs wasn\'t going to make an impact on the world, he then went to University and for the next 8 years worked in the corporate world - first as a Chartered Accountant and then as an Investment Banker at KPMG. In 2001 he returned to entrepreneurial life as an e-commerce entrepreneur, and over the following 15 years, raised money for, built,\\xa0grown and sold businesses primarily in the technology sector. As he says "I\'ve made mistakes. I\'ve fallen over. I\'ve got up again and carried on. I\'ve had some great successes and some failures." which is of course what life is all about. But how do you take that feeling of...ok, things could go a bit wrong, but hey we can deal with it and have fun in the process too? Well he has done just that and in 2009, along with his wife he hatched a plan to sail around the world with his young children and spent the next 5 years planning how to make things happen. Now in 2016, he successfully completed his circumnavigation having experienced amazing highs, having to make heart-wrenching decisions and agonising lows on his 7-year voyage from idea to completion. He has been on a journey of discovery, not least to find the strength within himself to take forward and inspire others to take action and go for it. Now he is on\\xa0a mission to be a truly inspiring leadership and team building speaker, giving actionable advice on how to achieve amazing results both professionally and personally, changing lives for the better. So how do you take your own passions and convince the family that its also a great idea for them to get involved in? And when it goes wrong, is there always an answer or sometimes just a different direction to the end goal? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Caspar Craven \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Caspar Craven such as: Caspar shares how he was advised by his father to become a chartered accountant as it was a safe job, which he can now see was never the right place for himself to end up. We talk with passion as to the delight he has found since he got back to land, taking people on a journey of discovery, through his talks, presentations and leadership lessons. Caspar reveals the moment when he sat with his wife and asked her "Is there more to life than this....and if there is, lets go out and get it" and lastly\\u2026. Why he now teaches his children to focus in on what they are most interested in and go deeper and deeper into the subject to find the path.'