Ross Jeffries Seduction Tips

Published: Sept. 5, 2016, midnight

b'Ross Jeffries is my guest today on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview. Now if you havent heard of Ross Jeffries, let me tell you he is a man who can teach us all about connecting and engaging with the opposite sex. Yes, this is one of those episodes that all you single men, fed up with being rejected in the bars of the world will want to take notes on. He is known as the Legend of Seduction and has coached, and mentored over 60,000 men around the world, since 1988, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve. His system, Speed Seduction\\xae, shows you how to succeed with the women you really want, predictably and reliably, without guesswork or games, respecting yourself and the women you enjoy. Since the early 1990s, Ross Jeffries has been included CNN, Fox, NBC, the BBC, CANAL+, Playboy, Rolling to name just a few. But this is where the story get interesting as imagine you take these same levels of persuasiveness, and instead of leading back to the bedroom, you lead back to the boardrooms and company botton line? Well as he says "Look at it like this: if you can convince a guy who has been terrified of women his whole life to drop that fear in under 10 minutes, and then teach him to communicate with women in a way that truly moves and touches them, then....then you can convince anyone of anything." Powerful stuff indeed, and so now you will find our guest travelling the world as he works with a handpicked selection of high-powered entrepreneurs, sales people, and other professionals to teach them his unique, one-of-a-kind, under-the-radar persuasion blueprint. So how did he come to learn these technqies? Was he naturally gifted at wowing women, or hopelessly inaquate which lead to this knowledge? And what did he think of Tom Cruise playing him in the film Magnolia? Inspired casting, or would he have preferred someone else? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Ross Jeffries'