Rob Rawson: A Bedroom Entrepreneur Turned Time Doctor

Published: May 29, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the join up dots podcast interview is someone that can make us both physically better, and professionally too. With a degree in medicine and three years under his belt working in an Australian hospital,he knows a thing or two about injuries and the like. But unusually for a Doctor, this career success which for many is a choice for life, was not his only focus. As whilst performing his medical roles, he was eagerly researching and developing quite a few internet businesses, developing content which he modestly claims as \\u201cFailed or moderately successful\\u201d start ups and having the freedom to create career success away from medicine. An online mapping site, a myspace profiling site, a divorce website, a limousine directory, various travel websites, a satellite TV comparison site, created and sold various ebooks, He created and sold various types of software, online advertising agency, online search engine optimization agency and even a site designed to train individuals to improve their lie detection skills! But he still managed to earning nearly $1,000,000 in a year from a bedroom in his parents house, from affiliate marketing, which to me sounds very successful! But he really came to the fore when back in 2012 he created Time Doctor, a way to manage your staffs time, if in his case he was eager for them to work more remotely than they had\\xa0previously. After all how do you\\xa0 know that they aren\\u2019t sitting watching Harry Potter 27, when actually they should be head down working? And so he took the leap of faith and found the motivation to really build a business that he could call his own. Now with the success of this under his belt, he increased his portfolio of \\u201cSuccessful start ups\\u201d with the creation of which is a global online platform for recruitment. So what does he do when he isn\\u2019t working? Does he use the Time Doctor software himself? And what is this nasty rash that I have developed recently? So many questions I need to ask the one and only Time Doctor himself\\u2026the online productivity entrepreneur Mr Rob Rawson.'