Rich Or Happy?

Published: Jan. 23, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who started his entrepreneurial life with a similar vibe to so many people on the planet today. He wanted to scream "Show me the money!" As he says" My dream growing up was to be RICH. It wasn\\u2019t about Financial Freedom or having the ability to do what I want or any of that. I just wanted to be rich. My ego wanted everything that went along with it. The big house, the fancy cars\\u2026all of it. I loved the lure of it all and in my young, immature, egocentric, male mind I mistakenly thought that money was what this life was all about. For me, in the beginning, money was my GOD. Right when I was finishing up college (I say \\u201cfinishing\\u201d instead of graduating because I never did) we came into one of the biggest Real Estate Booms this country has ever seen. I immediately saw the opportunity and began obsessively looking to buy my first piece of real estate. It came fast, and I bought AND SOLD a house in the same day for a profit of $33,000!! How\\u2019s that for a days work?" Now speed on a few years and the words that he had heard so many times "like \\u201cmake sure you don\\u2019t rush things\\u201d, \\u201cdon\\u2019t bite off more than you can chew\\u201d, \\u201cdon\\u2019t over leverage yourself\\u201d, \\u201cmake sure you get out early, don\\u2019t be caught when the market turns\\u201d etc\\u2026, etc\\u2026 started coming back to haunt him. As he says "All these really smart and seasoned pros were telling me this, but the cocky 20 something year old thought he knew more than these guys did, and I got burnt BIG TIME." And that is a great place to start this episode of Join Up Dots. So how did he go from crashing and burning to where he is today, where he has built-owned 6 Multi- Million Dollar Businessess across various industries, raised 10+ Million in Public Capital and 2+ Million in private capital, and alongside his wife Amy currently are owner-operators of AKC Fitness, a distribution channel for health and wellness products where they have a team of 25,000+ distributors. And is everything built in a much more stable and consistent way than he had previously achieved in his life? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Keith Callahan'