Rewiring Your Brain For Success

Published: June 24, 2022, midnight

b'Rewiring Your Brain For Success Today\\u2019s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots entrepreneur podcast interview is the founder and CEO of Nectar Consulting Inc., and\\xa0co-author of the best-selling book \\u201cBreakthrough Healing\\u201d. She\\xa0works with executives and entrepreneurs bringing over 25 years of\\xa0experience, intuitive insights and strategic business savvy to their\\xa0success. She is an expert at enhancing the capacity of leaders, to\\xa0build high performing teams and exponentially increase bottom-line\\xa0results. Now what interests me, and why I have invited her onto the show is her\\xa0unique Rapid RewiringTM approach This is a culmination of\\xa0years of study in the realms of emotional intelligence, neuroscience,\\xa0organizational psychology and Rapid Transformational Therapy. She\\xa0helps catalyze shifts in thinking and eliminate mental/emotional\\xa0blocks to rapidly rewire your brain for greater confidence and\\xa0success. As a nationally recognized speaker, certified executive coach, Rapid\\xa0Transformational Therapy (RTT) practitioner, change management\\xa0consultant, trainer, and writer, her passion for helping amplify\\xa0natural talents and expand leadership is conveyed through all\\xa0aspects of her work and writing. But of course as we see on Join Up Dots, time and time again our guests come to us when everything is amazing and success swims around them on a daily basis. But we all have dark times getting things off the ground, before we find the path that really lights us up inside and makes work not seem like work anymore. So how did she find her way to where she is today? And would she say that she needed to rewire her own brain as she built her business? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Michele Molitor Show Highlights During the entrepreneur podcast show we had deep hitting conversations with Michele Molitor around subjects such as: We share why it is so important to reflect on your core drivers to help you imagine what life could be. Your values should drive your passions not the other way around. Why the more gratitude we share with the world brings about greater and greater rewards into our lives. Life shouldn\'t be hard if we only say "Thank You" The best thing you can do in a terrible job is to find an aspect of that job and savour it. Whatever it maybe find that gold and polish it until it shines And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. Michele shares the journey from corporate unhappiness to fulfilled entrepreneur, and knows that everything in life has been for a reason.'