Rental Income From Property

Published: Jan. 31, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Rental Income From Property with Eric Bowlin Rental Income From Property with Eric BowlinToday\\u2019s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast, is Eric Bowlin, a 33 year old and have over 480 doors of rental property. I\\u2019ve travelled to over 14 countries and love to experience new cultures, food, beer, exercising, and improving myself. I\\u2019m focused on creating long-term wealth for my family. I sometimes will work for two weeks straight \\u2013 waking up early and staying up late to get something done. Sometimes I take a month or two vacation for no reason other than to have a new experience. I\\u2019m free to travel or live anywhere I may want to go whenever I may want to go. That\\u2019s the great part about independence, I am free to do what I want. But how did this all start? How did he find the passion to create an income and lifestyle that other people would simply die for? How Eric Started Earning Rental Income From Property Well as he says \\u201cIt was an accident that I even got into real estate. While studying for my Ph.D. in Economics at Clark University in Worcester, MA, I wanted to buy a home. I almost made the classic blunder of buying a huge liability, but fortunately, I ended up buying a small multifamily property and the rest is history. So is this something that takes a huge amount of investment to get going? And is this something that needs a team to monitor rental, clients, and perhaps the bad clients that people fear? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the only and only Eric Bowlin. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Eric Bowlin such as: Why he has moved to Puerto Rico for the tax benefits and how it has made him be able to work less but achieve more. Eric shared how he stumbled into rental simply because he didn\\u2019t hit the criteria to get a single apartment. We discuss the crisis point when life becomes too easy for someone, after they gain the financial success. What do they aim for then? and lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. Why it so important to surround yourself with the same kind of people that are doing what you are doing. Find your people as quickly as possible. How To Connect With Eric Bowlin Website Facebook Twitter Linkedin Return To The Top Of Rental From Property Expert Eric Bowlin If you enjoyed this episode with rental from property expert Eric Bowlin, why not check out other inspirational chat with Clayton Morris, Dorie Clark, and the amazing Niall Doherty You can also check our extensive podcast archive by clicking here\\u2013 enjoy'