Relationships Advice For The New Man (& A Bit Of Sex Talk Too) With Mark Stefanishyn

Published: July 18, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who truly has a fascinating story that has lead him to being massage therapist by profession, and the founder of Relationship Minimalism, a relationship philosophy designed to answer one question. Is it possible for men to apply the 80/20 principle to create love, connection, stability, and sexual passion in a long term relationship with their wife or girlfriend? Well if you have listened to more than a couple of episode of Join Up Dots you will have have heard me talk often by love of Paretos Principle, but I have never thought of it being applied to people too. And when you see the amount of seemingly unconnected dots that have occured in his life then you can see that I just had to have him on the show As he says in his own words From the age of 5-10 I grew up in Venezuela, Mexico and Indonesia. When we got back I couldn\'t fit into Canadian culture and ended up homeschooling myself to finish high school. I had serious aspirations of being a professional songwriter for the first 10 years of my adult life and learned extreme self honesty - I\'d work on an idea for weeks and then realize it wasn\'t good enough and start over...for nearly 5 years. At the same time I fell into a career as a live TV cameraman and shot my first NHL hockey game when I was barely 21, making me the youngest in Canada. I wound up in massage therapy school on a whim at 23 with no intention of working as a professional, I just thought it would be a good skill to have if I ever got a wife and family. As he points out "No one really creates a master plan to set off as a songwriter and do TV broadcasts on the side while going to massage school so they can spark a revolution in the way men relate to and understand women. But it certainly all makes sense now." I love this feeling of "Hey lets go and do this, as it seems a good idea" as that is how we find the thing that lights us up inside. Not by waiting for the passion to magically appear around you like some people suggest. Get out there, do things, talk to people, and be aware of what is on offer, which is exactly what today\'s guest did and continues to do today. So when did the idea of using the 80/20 in the environment of relationships first occur to him? And was it a "Wow, I have just discovered something that can change lives" or more "Oh, i see what I have been doing over the last few months....better put a name to it?" And does he think he has now found his life work, or is this just the start of the journey that was waiting for him? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mark Stefanishyn'