
Published: May 12, 2017, midnight

b'Relationships rock and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who is rocking and rolling and quite simply it seems loving her life more everyday....due to relationship building. And it\'s not a surprise as during the show I am sure that you will agree, she is on the path that is right for her. She is a leader, author, motivational speaker, trainer, and coach. And has over the last few years helped tens of thousands of individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations effectively identify their unique purpose. Finding the thing that they do better than anyone else, and then bringing that value piece to the world. After building her education through the Life Of Hard Knocks, she understands what it takes to overcome insurmountable obstacles, in business and in life, while in pursuit of your purpose as anyone who knows our guest describes her as an experience. She is as close as a human being can ever be to a human doing. As she says "What I do is simple. I find an idea that\'s different and valuable, and then build it with a team. Swiftly, and relentlessly. I do this by a rare process of how to fit people together, that goes far beyond just connecting them. I have built several businesses since my early twenties and learned that in business and in life, \\u201cRelationships Are Everything." And now she has put this system all in a form that\'s easy to learn and apply: The People Catalysts And with her new podcast, her thriving coaching business, and of course her speaking profile soaring certainly appears that as she says people are all around us so lets use them. Let\'s find the skills that we don\'t have. The passions for a task that we need. And see the results come in. So was this always part of her plan in life, who like most people did she stumble over this process several times before seeing it as the gold? And which part of this dream life is she not happy with, or is it all 100% where she wants it to be? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Karla Nelson. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Karla Nelson such as: We discuss the optimistic nature of entrepreneurship, and why focusing on the benefits can really push you through the hard-times. Why a ten work period is Karla\'s belief of the perfect length of time before taking a break from your business. Why we should all aim to be dreamers in our work, but in a framework of teamwork and collaboration. That is how results come quickly and lastly\\u2026. Karla\'s share her biggest business advice with her kids , and why there is a chance that this advice will come back and haunt her in the future.'