
Published: Feb. 12, 2017, midnight

b'When you see someone boldly state that they were born to make money, you either think that this guy is very bold, or he is very good at what he does. Today\'s guest seems to be both, and from his base in San Diego California is spinning many plates as he literally loves the life he lives (and gets paid very well to live it too!) He is the New York Times bestselling author of What Is Your WHAT? Discover The ONE Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do, the Business Technology Book Of The Year, Internet Prophets: To name just a few of his publications And he also appeared in the ground-breaking film, The Keeper of the Keys, alongside Jack Canfield and John Gray But there is no getting away with the fact that at his core, he is a hustler who works incredibly hard, has passion by the bucket load, and has honed his talents from opening his first nightclub back in 1989, through to starting a wine business with his Mum. And I guess the question is now with a real estate business, wine business, keynote speaker does he know What is his WHAT? And do you find your what naturally, or do you have to take action and try many many different things to get there? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Steve Olsher. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Steve Olsher such as: How your "WHAT" will change over time but the essence will remain the same. You just need to tap into the clues of your life to find that thing you were born to do. Why he now believes that his kids have never seen him do a days work in his life, and would love the legacy of bringing creativity into their lives. Why he operates like a rocket fuelled drag-car. Huge action for small bits of time, to then rest before blasting the engines again. And lastly\\u2026. How he remembers hitting rock bottom in 2013, and needed to seek answers to why he was feeling so bad, that simply changed his life forever.'