Punching The Hell Out Of Stress

Published: March 8, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the confidence boosting Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who a few years back was disappointed with the current mental health care solutions he was offered after suffering from stress in the workplace. So like so many guests, he didn\'t accept what he saw and decided to take action, turning to alternative therapies which got him through and beyond this temporary stress. These solutions began forming into a business idea which led him to creating Stressbox in Jan 2014, and he took these learnings into the corporate environment to help with de-stressing in companies everywhere. As they say "We are an up and coming mental wellness fitness brand with a social purpose to support the epidemic of work related stress. We succeed in this by creating innovative holistic fitness workshops, in-house talks on preventing stress and performing our epic yet different fitness class\\u2026.StressBox. Our powerful class combines Boxing fitness with Mindfulness all to wonderful music to inspire and enlighten you within our 1 hour experience. We create magic moments in our bespoke classes to suit your busy schedule, at StressBox we understand that time in this hectic world is valuable so we combined Holistic health with musical fitness to have greater impact on your mindset not just your body." To succeed in this new business, he researched stress in society for 2 years via practical innovative coaching and academically using Neuroscience, the science of meditation and positive psychology. And rapidly this knowledge became a cult hit at a popular gym in Birmingham, England with teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and teenagers becoming fanatics with his alternative style. So why if he had an issue with stress did he then decide to build a business around it, and not run to live stress free on a hot tropical island somewhere full of bikini wearing beauties? And is this as a real life issue, or do so many people just use the word as a badge of honour nowadays? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only, Mr Liam Joe Blackwood. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Liam Joe Blackwood such as: Why so many people find themselves in situations in their lives which doesn\'t naturally match their skills and talents - which can obviously lead to the kind of stress which can be avoided. Why the power of visualisation is such a powerful process in building success in a persons life, and the steps that we should take everyday to bring these visions to life. Liam Joe recalls the battles he overcome in the early days to get his vision out to the world, and the steps he took to get there. Why we should never overthink anything in our lives, but simply look to do the best we can in the most relaxed method possible. That is always the best way. and lastly\\u2026. Why Liam Joe allowed himself to feel creative and playful in his life which was a complete gamechanger and turned his life around forever.'