
Published: Sept. 9, 2022, midnight

b'Welcome To The World Of Procrastination Procrastination and things linked to it are probably the number one issues mentioned in the emails that we receive at Join Up Dots. \\u201cI can\\u2019t think of an idea no matter how hard I try!!\\u201d And certainly \\u201cI can come up with so many ideas what are the best as im not getting anything started?\\u201d are another version that stops us in our tracks. One thing for sure is procrastination is a problem that can be easily overcome and dealt with, with the right mindset. In this episode of Join Up Dots we delve into this subject and will give you some easy steps to follow and supercharge your entrepreneurial life. So let\\u2019s start with the main question \\u201cWhat is it?\\u201d \\xa0 What Is It Really And Why Does It Cause So Many Issues? Procrastination isn\\u2019t a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods induced by certain tasks \\u2014 boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and beyond. Procrastination is not about self-control; it\\u2019s actually the opposite: an approach to life that relies on avoidance as its primary tool for keeping up with responsibilities. The more you avoid something that makes you uncomfortable (e.g., making phone calls), the harder it will be for you to get started at all until eventually no more avoidance is possible and there\\u2019s nothing left for you but those dreaded tasks at hand. In order to work through procrastination effectively then we need two things: awareness (of our feelings) and compassion (for ourselves). We also need some kind of plan so we can take control over our lives again instead of letting them control us! \\xa0 Self-Awareness And Self-Compassion Are Crucial To Change Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection. It helps you realize what motivates you, how you respond to others, how your actions affect others, and more. Self-awareness is an important part of treating procrastination because it allows you to recognize where your weaknesses are\\u2014and then work on them! Self-compassion is being kind and understanding when confronted with personal failings. It provides emotional strength and resilience that can help you overcome obstacles and continue moving forward despite failure or setbacks (which will happen if you\\u2019re trying something new). \\xa0 Procrastination Is Not A Time Management Disease Procrastination isn\\u2019t a time management problem. It\\u2019s an emotion management problem. Time management is a tool you can use to help you get things done, but it\\u2019s not the solution to procrastination. It won\\u2019t actually prevent your from putting things off in the first place, but it may help you catch up once you\\u2019ve fallen behind schedule. The key to conquering procrastination is changing how we respond to negative emotions rather than trying to avoid them altogether. Perfectionism Is The Killer Of Productivity. Perfectionism is an insidious trap that can lead to procrastination. It\\u2019s easy to fall into the perfectionist mindset: \\u201cI have to do it perfectly or not at all!\\u201d You may think that if you don\\u2019t do a project perfectly, then it will be rejected by your boss or customers. The truth is that there is no perfect way to do anything, and even if there were, no one would know about it because perfection does not exist in our world. The key here is setting realistic standards for yourself and striving towards them but not stressing out over whether or not they are met 100% of the time (or even 90%!). Perfectionism often leads people down rabbit holes where they get stuck on details instead of finishing projects on time and meeting deadlines as planned.* Don\\u2019t let perfect be the enemy of good enough \\u2013 give yourself a break! Give yourself the gift of self-compassion and take some pressure off yourself . This can be the hardest part, but it\\u2019s one of the most important. It\\u2019s okay to feel overwhelmed and unsure of yourself sometimes. You don\\u2019t have to do everything yourself or be perfect at everything you do. In fact, even the best people fail\\u2014a lot! The key is learning from those mistakes and moving forward with your life so that they benefit your future successes instead of hindering them. I f you ever feel like you\\u2019re struggling with something too hard to figure out on your own or if there just isn\\u2019t enough time in your day (or week), consider asking someone else for help\\u2014whether that\\u2019s friends/coworkers/professors or even strangers online through forums such as Reddit (check out r/procrastination). And remember: it\\u2019s okay not to know exactly what direction you want take right now\\u2013it\\u2019s better than knowing nothing at all! Procrastination Can Be A Form Of Avoidance The simple act of putting off what needs to be done can actually be a form of avoidance. Procrastination is often a way of avoiding the unpleasant feelings associated with a task\\u2013boredom and anxiety chief among them. Why do we procrastinate? Because it feels better in the moment to avoid doing something than it does to confront that task head-on, even if it\\u2019s something we know we should really be doing. If you\\u2019re a procrastinator, I have good news for you: Procrastination is not about self-control. It is about self-awareness and self-compassion. The number one reason people procrastinate (and don\\u2019t get things done) is because they lack awareness of their own triggers, or the ways in which they take action or avoid taking action when they shouldn\\u2019t or can\\u2019t. As you become more aware of your own triggers, it\\u2019s best to also try to be more self-aware in general so that those triggers are less likely to trigger negative actions in the first place. It\\u2019s Realistic To Struggle With Procrastination Let\\u2019s be real. You\\u2019re not the only one who struggles with procrastination. Realizing that it isn\\u2019t just you is an important step to overcoming this problem. The good news is, there are a multitude of reasons why someone may struggle with procrastination and they can be addressed in different ways depending on what\\u2019s causing your issues with putting things off. You don\\u2019t have to deal with it alone!'