PPC Master Shows The Way To Business Success

Published: Jan. 13, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Ryan Baker Today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast has had a very interesting story to where he is today. Since late 2017, our guests business Kingly Consulting has helped over 12 Digital Marketing Agency owners find peace of mind around their PPC Services. From helping to design their teams and train their staff to overhauling processes and making sure the train stays on the tracks, he knows there is always something to improve. Kingly Consulting\'s clients have become Google Partners, raised their rates 500%, increased their setup rates by $2,500, taken 3 weeks off in a single month for the first time in years, and saved many client relationships that were on the brink of collapse. As he says "Kingly Consulting was founded to help SEO Focused Digital Marketing Agencies improve their PPC services. I\'ve had the privilege of working with a lot of agencies and I love the energy and the people in that world. As a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP), I bring a unique approach to the SEM side of digital marketing. How The Dots Joined For Ryan I love helping to shift the focus of agencies and their clients from the shorter term numbers games to the long term human-centric approach. I enjoy long-standing relationships with my clients and thrive on under-promising and over-delivering. Outside of work, I have a beautiful wife and two adorable daughters. We enjoy spending time with our church family, travelling and exploring, drinking coffee, playing music, and board games. If you have an Agency that rocks at SEO, but you can\'t get the same level of client satisfaction from PPC, it\'s time to reach out and turn thing around. So like most businesses was there a time when he was struggling to get the same level of satisfaction in his own business? And why do people make it so difficult for themselves targeting the wrong people or simply not getting enough interest in their services? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Ryan Baker. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep weighty subjects with Ryan Baker such as: Why it is so important to stay true to personal beliefs in business as the more you can make people happy the more money you will earn. We discuss SEO against PPC especially when building it into the early stages of online business success. Why local search is so important to your business and should be looked at before ever attempting to go global. and lastly\\u2026\\u2026 Ryan shares that moment when he saw behind the curtain of a successful company and realised their pain was his win.'