Power Yoga

Published: May 28, 2017, midnight

b'Yoga is great for the core strength of a body. Yoga is also great for the mindset of a person. So lets find out how yoga can be made into a thriving business. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who deserves to be on this show, as she is one big collection of dots. And the kind of dots, that although difficult to deal with at the time turn out to be the true gifts in ones life. As she says \\u201cSometimes life lessons are right in your face waiting to happen to you if you just surrender to the call. But it took me a long time to get into the position where, my passion had finally fallen out of the sky and smacked me in the face hard!\\u201d And this she found in the form of Yoga, and she then created her dream business that is going from strength to strength. Providing what her clients want, her family want and of course what she wants too. As she says \\u201cI have been a entrepreneur for 20 years I know what it feels like having to create your wealth! But I also knew that your health & inner strength matter more in this adventure of self mastery! Being a entrepreneur is all about Self: Mastery, Discipline, Awareness, Confidence, And Worth etc. You have to believe then apply the gift to create the Magic! In between the \\u201cWoulda, Coulda, Shoulda\\u201d, I became a Yoga Instructor, Holistic Health Coach, owned a MMA Promotion Business in Atlantic City with my husband (the last one was the stress factor). \\u201c Which lead to her being the Founder of Down Dog Wellness, as she craved a way to create a bridge between work stress and life, enlightening awareness daily. So did she always have the desire to create such a business, or was it in direct result of her four years working at New Breed Fighters, dealing with cage fighters and the entertainment industry. And is the right business a pleasant experience, or does it still have days when you want to stay in your bed and let someone else deal with everything? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Kerry Morgan'