Power Up Your Marketing

Published: Sept. 6, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing\\xa0Kathleen Ann Today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is a lady who for many years worked in the corporate environment. Building someone else\'s dream wasn\'t hers and she had to do something about it. So heading into the world of "doing it herself" she became an entrepreneur and well and truly smashed down those corporate walls forever. Kathleen Ann is known as the \\u201cMoney & Marketing Champion\\u201d for heart-centred women entrepreneurs (and enlightened men!). She is the Founder of \\u2018Power Up Your Marketing\\u2019 and holds multiple Money and Marketing Coach certifications. Niching down tightly she now works with service based women business owners to help them create and grow financially successful businesses based around their passion and unique brilliance. Her marketing expertise and insight have helped women around the world to stand out and position themselves as the expert in their field. But this is just part of her business building strategy as she also helps her clients to move\\xa0away\\xa0from charging by the hour and instead package and price their services so they can charge what they\\u2019re worth and get it. She teaches people to power through to a life they want by using online skills, clear strategies and of course powerful marketing techniques.\\xa0 She has grown to understand that marketing is not just about having a great marketing concept and a good promotional strategy. So does she remember the gradual build up of disenchantment in the corporate world, and potential fear of going for it like she has. And where does she see most people get stuck when first starting? Trying to be too perfect or trying to attract everyone across the world? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Kathleen Ann. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such dreamy subjects with Kathleen Ann such as: We discuss why people fail to understand the true preparation required to make a success of marketing. It all starts with understanding yourself and your offering. Why it is so important to focus on the lifestyle you want more than simply getting the cash through the door at the beginning. Why most of the time we don\'t get what we want because we don\'t truly decide on what we truly want and hold firm to that vision. and lastly...... Kathleen talks passionately about the strange ways that the inverse operates if you only relax and allow it to happen.'