
Published: July 26, 2017, midnight

b"Podcasts are hot business at the moment. In fact podcasts have never been more popular and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who not only is in the same game as me, but he has his fingers on the pulse of what is hot, what is good, and what in podcasting should be left as an idea and not actually brought out to the worlds ears. He is the Head of Content at Spreaker, is former EVP/CTO at\\xa0PodcastOne.com and former Content and Business Manager for Podcasts/TV at Microsoft\\u2019s Xbox Live and Zune. He currently hosts the\\xa0SpreakerLiveShow.com podcast Wednesdays at 3pm PST and co-hosts\\xa0NewMediaShow.com/live Saturdays at 9am PST/Noon ES. Which is of course very impressive, but even more so especially to someone like me is the fact that he is a veteran in the field, starting his\\xa0\\xa0WebTalk World Radio Show in 1999, recognized as the first\\xa0nationally syndicated radio program in the world to begin podcasting on\\xa0Sept 15th, 2004.\\xa0and has been working in the podcasting field since. Now this is pre-google, pre-iTunes, and pre the world that we now take for granted. He is a lover of the format of podcasting. Is a master at his game. And is focused on raising the standards of content creators across the world. And if that isn't something to make you licks your lips and salivate what about this fact! He is also a Guinness World Record Holder for creating the worlds largest glass of Florida Orange juice. So what was it that really excited him about stepping behind the microphone and getting his words out to a world, that perhaps was not ready to consume content in such a way? And is podcasting something that he sees as a great business model, or just a passing fad, waiting to join the Rubik cube, cabbage patch dolls, and the pet pebbles in the craze hall of fame? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Rob Greenlee \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Rob Greenlee such as: Rob shares the steps that he took \\xa0to create his podcasting career, which led from a love of marketing to putting his words into the worlds ears. Rob shares why so many podcasts struggle with gaining an audience that will reach out to them and gives tips how to build an engaged audience. and lastly\\u2026. Why it is so important to start a business from the basis of giving value before you ever start to look to getting any back"