Podcast 548: Bailey O'Brien: Building A Business Helping Others To Survive Stage Four Cancer

Published: June 27, 2016, midnight

b'Today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up dots podcast interview is a remarkable lady who has battled so much in her life, not least at a stage when most people are footloose and fancy free. Yes, back in in 2010, when just a young lady she was diagnosed with a recurrence of malignant melanoma that first appeared back in 2007. When she got a professional to take a look at a mole that appeared on her right temple it was discovered that she had cancer. Having 45 lymph nodes removed she hoped that he can nipped it all in the bud, and could look forward to a long and healthy life. But sometimes life has other plans, and in 2010 she was back under the knife having some bone from her skull and the lower half of her ear removed. But of course the fascinating thing as we see everyday on the show, is that more often than not the worse times of life can show us the way to a life is really great. And now she has built a whole business in regards to\\xa0others to take control of their health as she did\\xa0when faced with 7 tumors as\\xa0a college student-athlete. As she says "With nothing to lose I put my trust in complementary and alternative treatments and has been in remission for 5\\xa0years. Since that life-changing experience, I have encouraged and empowered others to do their own research to find their own pathway to healing\\xa0with courage, faith and\\xa0perseverance. " So of course a stupid question in many ways, but is she glad that the issues that she had to deal with first came into her life? And is life in her view one of taking your own personal responsibility, not just in regards to health, but also in the day to day writing of your own personal story? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Bailey O\'Brien'