Podcast 547: Dave Yewman: Getting To The Point Big Time

Published: June 24, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired powerhouse podcast Join Up Dots, is a man who started his life in the UK and now calls the world his home. Or at least Portland Oregon, USA is where he lays his head. Starting his journey in Slough, Berkshire\\u2026.think Ricky Gervais\\u2019s creation David Brent, or Sacha Baron Cohens Ali Gi and you are getting the idea of his roots. But there is no doubt that unlike the character Brent, who thinks he is a great communicator but often fails miserably with comic effect, our guy has created a very different professional persona for himself. Instead of tripping over his own tongue, our guys opens his mouth and finds the gold everytime. He is a born communicator, and loves using the spoken word as a laser targeted weapon towards success. Although, a friend of his\\u2019s 11-year-old son Aaron asked, \\u201cWhat does your Dad do?\\u201d Aaron thought for a minute, then said, \\u201cHe teaches people how not to say \\u2018um.\\u2019\\u201d Which I guess is a simple summary, but nails it too. In the past 10+ years our guest has coached CEOs, professional athletes, tech startup founders, engineers, creative designers and pretty much everyone in between in what makes a wonderful presentation. Could this be switching off power-point, and actually talking to people directly? Or perhaps, embracing the world of storytelling to inspire the attendees listening to you speak? Well we will find our during the show. But this former newspaper reporter and columnist, now speaks regularly to groups about how to use clear, concise, compelling language as a strategic weapon when dealing with reporters, employees, sales prospects, shareholders, and consumers. You use the right words that change your situation, empower you and\\u2026well stops the \\u201cUmms\\u201d So why did he want to leave this amazing country that we call the UK, and depart the natural oasis of beauty that we call Slough, Berkshire? And when he is standing up, and presenting, does he think \\u201cMan, this is easy, I am so in my sweet-spot\\u201d or does he have to work hard for every \\u201cUmm and Ahh\\u201d he stops in its tracks ? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Dave Yewman.'