Podcast 529: Chris Dessi: Loving Life By Being Social

Published: May 13, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired business podcast interview is a man who can be described, almost in just one small sentence. He believes in himself, has big ideas and creates. And as we see time and time again on Join Up Dots, having that belief is the part that most people struggle with. But get it, and fully embrace that belief, then you simply become unstoppable. Which appears to bet the case with todays guest. He is an established personal branding expert, author, and speaker, and also an author of several books, based around social media. And as a result he regularly appears on CNBC, CNN, Fox News and Good Day New York. As he says \\u201cI find joy in teaching, and presenting the keynote conferences & love helping people realize how powerful social media can be to create your personal brand, generate awareness & sales through social media channels.\\u201d And that is the part that most new entrepreneurs struggle with, building the awareness of what they can offer to the world. They have the skills They have the passion. But getting the word out more often than not is one step to far, and they struggle until little by little they get the ball rolling. So did our guest today have the same issues back in the day, or was it like jumping onto a magic carpet first stop Successville? And when did he realise that he had created his own personal brand, and was it a surprise to him, or part of his master plan? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots with the one and only social media entrepreneur Chris Dessi.'