Podcast 513: Giselle Gonzales: Building A Career By Sharing The Stories Of The World

Published: April 6, 2016, midnight

b'Its with total delight that once more the words of Steve Jobs get reviewed with todays\\xa0guest entrepreneur to the top rated business podcast interview show Join Up Dots. She is a professional traveller, part-time writer, part-time book seller, part-time model, and full-time adventurer. She has built a lifestyle of freedom and motivation. She lives for the careers built around the kind of experiences that create a life that is a wow, and quite simply it seems to me won\\u2019t settle for what life simply gives her. Instead she wants to take what is right for her. But I suppose at her core, its not just about what\\u2019s right for her, but also what is right for the ladies of the world. Yes, she is super passionate about empowering young women in marganilized communities and loves experiencing and sharing new cultures with others. In fact just recently she was asked to join a small research team for a group called The Syrian Circle and spent the last month travelling across Europe (from Greece to Germany) to document stories of refugees, locals, and volunteers across the region . The second part of her team\\u2019s mission was to meet with leaders in each country to better understand the situation, the needs in each region, and how people can specifically respond and advocate for refugees. So you can see this is not your normal lady, who is seeking to climb up the corpartae ladder as quickly as she can. As she says on her blog \\u201cIve got big dreams and a curiosity to see, hear, and explore the world around me.\\u201d So what was it about a life of adventure, and assisting the marginalised that so appealed to her? And of course where does she see all this activity heading towards, as its great to be a lady on a mission, but ultimately none of us escape from the day to day living expenses? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Giselle Gonzales'