Podcast 511: Dr Glenn Livingston, Ph.D: A $2m Debt Leads To A Life Of Healthy Eating

Published: April 1, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur following the words of Steve Jobs, on the top rated business podcast Join Up Dots is a man who not only has been on an amazing professional journey over the last 25 years, but also a personal journey equally as inspirational too. For many years our guest worked for the big food companies and was obese, struggling with binge eating and over eating. And of course as you can imagine this was not good for his well being, so he knew that he had to do something about it, and so he did. He wanted a lifestyle of freedom and motivation and inspiration so made a plan. He conducted research, found the motivation to self-fund a study with over 40,000 participants and made an astonishing transition from obesity and food obsession into a more light hearted relationship with food. But believe me this isn\\u2019t a guy with just one success story that we could tap into, as he has had such an eclectic background, and tackled many different businesses and become a success in them all that we could start anywhere to make a great career show. As he says \\u201cAt the risk of being immodest, I probably have more experience in both coaching and business development than the founders of virtually any other coach certification program on the market. Through the International Coach Certification Academy, I would like to pass on my knowledge, experience, teaching and mentoring to you. Together with my wife and academy co-founder Dr Sharon Livingston, we have sold over $30,000,000 in consulting services to major brands like AT&T, American Express and L\\u2019Oreal. I have personally worked with over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many coaches and psychotherapists to\\u201d So where do we start on the joining up of his dots? What stage of his career is the most inspirational? With the amazing physical transformation that he went through, losing many many pounds of unneeded weight? Or right at the beginning, when he was a child and couldn\\u2019t have believed where he was going to end up? Who knows, but let\\u2019s start like we always do, by bringing onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only super entrepreneur himself Dr Glenn Livingston.'