Podcast 503: Jasmine Burton: Inspiration To Create The Best Sanitation For The World

Published: March 14, 2016, midnight

b"Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired top rated Join Up Dots business podcast interview, is a lady who is content to tackle something that so many people would have ignored, or left for someone else to do. Tackling the worlds water and sanitation issues, and creating a lifestyle that is totally under her own control. In 2014, her senior design team won the Georgia Tech InVenture Prize Competition, the largest undergraduate invention competition in the United States, for their design of an inexpensive mobile toilet, SafiChoo. And along side her team at WishWash she has taken her specific design passion, and set out to improve women\\u2019s health by means of redesigning WASH infrastructure (such as toilets and menstrual hygiene products) in and for the low income communities of the world. As according to UNICEF, 2.6 billion people lack hygienic sanitation facilities and 768 million people drink unsafe drinking water and, of these people, women and girls are disproportionately burdened by poor sanitation and water inequities. Big bold movements towards a better way of living for so many people. Success that is so much more than something personal. But it wasn\\u2019t always plan sailing, and as she says openly \\u201cOver the past few years, I have struggled to find my place in the fight for social justice. I have always been angered by unfairness and injustices and, in the back of my mind, I thought that I would evolve into a radical and fearless protesting activist; however, when the time came for me to consciously take strides in defining my role in this space, I was paralyzed by fear and, quite frankly, embarrassment.\\u201d She was trapped by smallness of thinking, and smallness of actions. But unlike so many people she found her way through the issues and now is becoming more of who she was born to be. She is an activist, a campaigner, and lady who loves to inspire and be inspired by a world that so many of us ignore on a daily basis. So how did she first come up with the design, and knew it was good enough to persist with even when the obstacles came her way? And looking back, was there a key moment that allowed her to stop acting small, and become the biggest version of herself she could be? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only sanitation entrepreneur Jasmine Burton"