Podcast 493: Clark Gaither: Online Success Linked To Powerful Words Content

Published: Feb. 19, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the top rated Join Up Dots podcast interview\\xa0is a man who believes whole heartedly in the power of words. But not just using words that make us seem big and important. No, he believes that the words that we should be seeking to use, are as he says in his own ways \\u201cThe words which hold the most power for you are the ones which move you on an emotional level. If you and another person share the same Powerful Words, you will be connected to that person and they to you, even if they are a stranger. This book is about finding your Powerful Words and using them in whatever you do as you set out to help others in whatever capacity you choose. It is about telling your story, your personal truth. This is where your greatest influence resides.\\u201d Now of course this concept of powerful content is not new to me, or should it be for any podcaster or media person, but what about the man in the street? What use are these to him? He has a lifestyle that he has created Well, we find out during the show but one thing for sure today\\u2019s guest has many different occasions, on almost a daily basis where he performs as a a writer, speaker, podcast producer and personal coach for physicians and other professionals who suffer from burnout. Also, he has enjoyed a career in medicine for the past 22 years as part of an office based family practice in Goldsboro, North Carolina, which has led him to give hundreds of lectures up and down the east coast to physicians, professional groups and the public on various topics such as physician burnout, addiction and recovery issues, hypertension, cholesterol disorders to name just a few. So what is his passion in life, that is leading him towards bigger and bigger success? Where does he feel that he ignites his true super talent and brings the most value to the world? And out of all the powerful words he could choose, which would he say was his favourite? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Clark Gaither MD'