Podcast 492: We Are The Champions!! Do You Deserve It?

Published: Feb. 17, 2016, midnight

b'Today\'s episode of Join Up Dots is not an interview with a successful guest entrepreneur poses the question of how much do you want something? And do you believe in your heart of hearts that you actually deserve the rewards you gain from your efforts? Well we see it, time and time again that celebrities do very bizarre stuff to ruin their careers, when from the outside it looks like they have it made. So why do they do this? The reason is deep down they don\'t feel that they have put in the work that there success is bringing them. They cant quite understand why they are earning such amazing riches, when other people are slogging their way through everyday. So what we need is to get to the point when all our efforts leave us with the mindset of "Yes!! I Deserve everything you send my way" And when you get to the point, you can then start to really push forward and become the best that you can be. Which brings us even more success and riches.'