Podcast 480: Mark Podolsky: Serious Motivation To Work Towards The Sexy Stuff

Published: Jan. 20, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is an a man who is on a mission to help us all. He has a passion for helping all of us to break free from what he calls "Solo Economic Dependancy" Now if you have no idea what that means, then Solo Economic Dependency is basically this: If you\\u2019re not working, you not making money. High-paid professionals, doctors, dentists, surgeons, freelance consultants, lawyers, accountants\\u2026\\u2026people from all types of backgrounds find themselves in this predicament. Lose the job, or be forced to take leave of absence, and you are forced to dip into your savings if you have them. Well our guest believes that being put into that position is quite simply madness, and works on making money even when he isn\'t working\\u2026\\u2026in fact, even while his sleeping. As he says "That\\u2019s real financial freedom, and that\\u2019s something worth striving for" So how has he managed to do this? And are their strategies that all of us can implement that can start helping us break that one job dependancy? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Mark Podolsky'