Podcast 477: Tyler Tervooren: Career Success Starts By Taking The Smart Risks Everyday

Published: Jan. 13, 2016, midnight

b'Today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is a man with many, different achievements, in many different fields. All of them I supposed linked to taking the kind of risks that push you to the top of your chosen field. His success is based around doing the things that he love, leading to the freedom of choice that we all want. You can list that he is the founder of Riskology.co, the leading website for smart risk-takers. He has run a marathon on every continent. Yep, including Antarctica. Organized three world records and holds the title of the Adventure Czar for The World Domination Summit. All good stuff, but when you tie it together with his core mission that he wants to help every person in the world improve their health, work, and adventures by taking smarter risks in their life then you can see he is a big thinker, and a huge problem solver. He works with people helping them to push themselves out of their comfort zones, and developing greater security in their life, higher income earning possibilities and I guess loving the challenge of life, instead of going though the motions. He\'s an independent entrepreneur who has founded 8 businesses, travelled to 25 countries, and ran a marathon on every continent to connect with the the world\'s greatest risk takers and adventurers and learn their secrets. As he says "If the time is going to pass anyway, I want to spend it doing fun things with interesting people." So did he always have that dream to change the big things in life. or did he discover this passion by accident later in life? And how does he find the majority of people react when he proses an ever increasing risk taking in their lives? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Tyler Tervooren'