Podcast 476: Lindsey Anderson: Career Success Built On The Motivation To Find The One Click

Published: Jan. 11, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is a lady with not just a cool nickname, but also is someone that everyone in the online world needs to know. Known as \\u201cOne Click Lindsay\\u201d, today\\u2019s guest has become the go to person if you want to know more information about\\xa0landing pages, email sequences, search engine ranking, newsletters, analytics, social media, pay-per-click ads, websites, blogging to name just a few. She is a lady who loves to know the nuts and bolts that turns a business into a succesfull and thriving business.\\xa0 Which means, she knows how to get customers to your business, and then convert them into super customers. People who cannot resist your products. And it seems in classic Join Up Dots style, this was a path that she was always destined. As she says \\u201cEven as a young girl, I loved bringing a business to life and watch it grow.\\xa0 Other girls wanted to babysit, while I worked out the percentage I could charge for getting them jobs and managing them.\\xa0 A lemonade stand was not a \\u201cfun\\u201d way to waste a summer afternoon, it was a very serious business involving customer acquisition and profit margins. I was born an entrepreneur, and I believe you are either born that way or you\\u2019re not.\\xa0 I see an opportunity, and I have no other choice but to create the business capitalize on that opportunity.\\xa0 My husband, on the other hand, just wants a job (so I made one for him).\\xa0 After years of struggling through being an \\u201cemployee\\u201d I started Web Impakt, which over the last 10 years, I perfected (if I do say so myself). I\\u2019ve led my team to launching everything from simple web pages to enterprise level systems.\\xa0 I\\u2019ve managed dozens of developers and designers, yet still have had to roll up my sleeves on a\\xa0Saturday\\xa0evening (after all, if you want a job done right, eh?).\\xa0 And most importantly, I\\u2019ve gotten very good at generating traffic and leads, not only for my business, but for my client\\u2019s businesses as well.\\u201d So being born to be an entrepreneur, does she feel that she had all the talents inherently that makes someone rocking and rolling, or has she still had to learn what makes someone successful? And\\xa0did she struggle at the beginning, or was it whooosh straight to the top? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Lindsey Anderson.'