Podcast 475: Gary Smyth: A Man Finding Success By Creating The New Normal Everyday

Published: Jan. 8, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is\\xa0the co-founder of Sales Elite and is a sales professional with over 12 years of sales and leadership experience within the technology industry. Most recently he has 9 years\\u2019 experience at Oracle America, Inc. \\xa0building a successful Sales and Business Development organization of over 100 sales professionals. He\\xa0is a certified sales professional and also President of the American Association of Inside Sales Professionals Austin Chapter. Which all sounds very grand, and I suppose less than unusual. But it seems to me that it was the big decisions in his earlier life which were unusual and formed so much of what he does today and where he does it. From the decision to move away from home in Belfast as a child and attend school in Scotland, to deciding to work in Japan where her met his now wife, he took on experiences and challenges bold and exciting. But it wasn\\u2019t until attending\\xa0a leadership development program at George Mason University and participating in his first triathlon that the spark to light his entrepreneurial journey truly began. And the rest is history. So why did this boy from Northern Ireland take such big steps as a child? And has his journey been one, that when reflected upon was perfect and planned to perfection, or one made up of seemingly unconnected dots? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only entrepreneur Mr Gary Smyth'